Experienced players know that there are many different concepts and convenient tools in betting. They help in many ways to make better bets. One of these is the bet builder, which can be used by every bettor. Let’s take a closer look at how this system works.
With the help of the constructor, you can automatically generate bids. At the same time, the outcomes will include odds offered by the bookmaker.
In the “Constructor” sections, bookmakers selectively offer a number of events in different sports. Players can form bets in different combinations. Despite the presence of several events, the bets made by the constructor differ from the usual accumulator bets. That is, in order to make a profit, it is not necessary that all forecasts be winning.

How to use
The constructor allows you to collect multiple events for each command. Usually, bookmakers allow you to choose up to 5 participants. The calculation is based on the goals scored by the selected team. If a number of teams from the nominal hosts and a couple more from the away side are selected, the W1-X-W2 bet is considered rational. It depends on which group gets the most points. This allows the conditional team that exists in the bettor’s bet to win.
This format of bets will be useful in cases where a player is confident in the victories of several teams, but for some reason does not see the point in betting in singles or accumulator bets. For an ordinary, quotes may be unfavorable. Whereas in express, the risks increase with each added event. The constructor does not require the passage of all bets. It is more important here that the teams chosen by the player score more goals than the competitors.
Each player independently chooses an opponent. Moreover, it is not necessary that the participants of the same events compete. It is even allowed to choose matches of different championships and leagues. The main thing is that they should all represent one sport discipline.