In order for table tennis bets to generate income, you need to know a number of features that often affect the outcome of a bet.
Format of a specific match
The regulations of individual tournaments provide for the draw of matches up to 3 or 4 won games. This format is used in certain sports (classic tennis, volleyball, badminton). But for other disciplines, it is not familiar. Newcomers to the industry, who do not know the rules of ping-pong matches, often face difficulties in calculating the bets placed on the winner, and even more so – additional outcomes.

Game speed
Matches can be played for several tens of minutes. During this time, 70 or more points are played here. But this is one of the advantages of betting on table tennis.
Meeting place
Table tennis matches are held exclusively in closed halls, in contrast to the classical counterpart. Here, weather conditions can not affect the course of the fight. The role is played by the coating, which can be wooden or rubber. This criterion is already considered as important only as far as tennis players show the best results. For example, on the ground, while grass surfaces are not for them.
Opponents perform two serves alternately
Here you can reveal one secret that can help BC players. In most cases, bookmakers offer approximately equal odds for a bet on the winner of a particular draw (point). But, although small, but, nevertheless, the advantage will always be on the side of the serving player. Therefore, if it is possible to watch a live broadcast of a match, it cannot be ignored. It is quite possible that this will bring a significant advantage over the bookmaker.
Different styles of tennis players
You need to keep a close eye on the players. Moreover, before the bet, it is advisable to view their previous matches. There are athletes who play aggressively, trying to pay more attention to attacks. Naturally, there are also such tennis players for whom defensive tactics bring success, and they simply wait for the opponent’s mistakes. That is, if it is noticeable that one player attacks more often and more sharply, this is not yet an indicator that he has a great advantage, and this particular athlete will become the winner of the match.